Saturday, July 23, 2011

hey, cooperate

Sometimes the Universe intervenes in such a way that we are forced to change our plans. The thoughts I planned to post here in this space today will not is a technical now I go to plan B. I planned to blog on Tattoos and'll have to wait to read that entry on another day when I can get the text type color to cooperate.

While I was trying to make what I wanted to post today happen, I called a friend for help....she knows how to do I was hopeful.  She tried to help but what she did still didn't work for me so I am giving up on my intended words for today but....that got me to thinking about the blessings that come into our lives and remembering to be grateful for those my renaissance woman friend and all of the other people who make my life the glory that it is....that led me to remember the following quote. So....may today be a good day for you, my readers, and may we all take the time to be intentionally grateful for all that we have in our lives.....even when the Universe doesn't cooperate. 

"Our lives are filled with ordinary moments when the hidden beauty of life breaks into our everyday awareness like an unbidden shaft of light. It is a brush with the sacred, a near occasion of grace. Too often we are blind to these moments. We are busy with our daily obligations and too occupied with our comings and goings to surround our hearts with the quiet that is necessary to hear life's softer songs."  --- Kent Nerburn


  1. Hm, looks good to me. Can you paste the text in? Anyway, sorry I couldn't get it to work for you. Maybe it will straighten itself out Monday.

  2. What if you paste your text in notepad or some non-word processor to trip any invisible codes. Save that, open back up, past it in blogger. Maybe?
