Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Another Way to Foster Happiness

In addition to expressing gratitude, and investing in relationships, another way to foster happiness in our lives is to have goals to work towards.

People who are working towards a goal are happier than those of us who have no goals or who feel we have reached our goals and now are at a stand still.  Goals don't just help individuals spice up their life and be more content.  When couples/friends/groups, work towards a goal together, it not only makes them happier...it makes the relationships stronger.

Goal setting forces us to look at our lives and see what we want the big picture to look like. After we have an idea of where we want to go, we can break the bigger journey down into smaller distances. In this way, we have the big goal and then we can create smaller goals to help us reach our destination.

It is easy to see why so many people are challenged when they get to what we call "mid life." They are often in a job they've held for a while and it is getting routine. Maybe it doesn't even fit their life and personality anymore but they have kept doing it to put bread on the table...but now the table has fewer place settings because the kids are grown and on their own. Now that the raising of the children is over ....Or ...now that the house they worked so hard to build is beautiful and quite finished...where do they go from here?

Some goal setting tips for creating a SWEET life:

  • Be as Specific as you can about what you want to achieve
  • Write your goals down.  You may even want to write everything down...               the pondering, the questions, the winding road of thoughts that leads to the embracing of the final goal(s).
  • Create goals that Energize you. If what you are thinking you should do feel likes a drag to you, it is less likely that you will do it.
  • Make the goals small enough that they are fairly Easy to achieve and measure. Being overwhelmed by a daunting task leads to procrastination and a feeling of hopelessness....which does not foster that happiness we are looking to cultivate.. ;-) We want to be able to enjoy the journey and know when we have finished one goal and can move on to the next one.
  • Set aside quality Time to evaluate your life and goals. If possible, go away for a day or two to a place where you can relax, let go of your usual worries, and dream big.

by Canadian designer Aaron Christopher Judd 

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